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Vitreoretinal Fellowships Available

Listing of vitreoretinal fellowships available.

Num of Fellows Fellowship Location Contact Person Date(s)
1 VR Fellowship – Barts Health, Whipps Cross University Hospital, London Barts Health, Whipps Cross University Hospital, London Hadi Zambarakji & Cordelia McKechnie 1 September
2 Bristol Eye Hospital VR surgical fellowship Bristol Eye Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street, BS1 2LX Richard Haynes August/variable
2 Birmingham & Midland Eye Centre post-CCT VR surgical fellowship BMEC , 76 Dudley Road, B18 7QH Mr Kim Son Lett August (12 months)
1 Clinical Vitreo-Retinal Fellowship Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield S10 2JF Kurt Spiteri-Cornish August
1 Glasgow VR surgical fellowship Gartnavel General hospital , 1053 Great Western Road, G12 0YN David Yorston & Shohista Saidkasimova August (12 months)
3 Manchester Royal Eye Hospital VR surgical fellowship MREH, Oxford Road, M13 9WL Tsveta Ivanova Feb, April, August
1 Newcastle Eye Centre VR surgical fellowship (1 x VR post, 1 x VR/MR post) RVI, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP Roxane Hillier October
1 Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion VR surgical fellowship Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion , NHS Lothian , Edinburgh EH3 9HA Dr Ash Khan variable (pref Aug)
2 St Paul’s, Royal Liverpool Hospital VR surgical fellowship St Paul's Eye Unit, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescott Street, Liverpool, L7 8XP Miss R Hussain Sept 2019
1 Southend University Hospital VR surgical fellowship NHS Foundation Trust, Prittlewell Chase, Essex, SS00RY Aman Chandra variable
2 2 VR Surgical Fellowships (1 Senior VR, 1 Junior VR/MR) University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS), Tremona Rd, Southampton SO16 6YD Mr S.Lash, Mr B.Gupta, Mr S.Antonakis variable (12 months)
2 St Thomas’s Hospital VR surgical fellowship Lambeth Palace Rd, London, SE1 7EH Tom Williamson variable