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Welcome to

British and Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons.

VR fellowship listing now available

We have added a VR Fellowship list on the BEAVRS site and are actively collecting a list of VR fellowships from around the UK and Ireland which we can place on our website.

Many of us receive requests about fellowships from both home and abroad and it is felt that it would be useful to have such a list in one place with some brief contact details.

The BEAVRS Board have already provided information about their fellowships so if you are in agreement please provide the following, also stating how many you host and if any of them are combined VR/MR. Details and any questions can be sent to



Dates ( including when you usually advertise)

Contact email

I am assuming that most of you advertise through NHS jobs/BMJ careers or both. Please note that BEAVRS are not endorsing these fellowships for quality, but merely providing a list. Many thanks. You can find the current Vitreoretinal Fellowship listing available here

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