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BEAVRS Programme 2022

Whitla Hall, Queens University, Belfast

Thursday | Friday

THURSDAY 3rd November


09.00- WELCOME TO 2022 BEAVRS IN BELFAST Noemi Lois, Richard Best, Stuart McGimpsey, Vasuki Jothi, Murali Upendran


Moderators: Cordelia McKechnie and Richard Best

09.15-09.45 Management of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

  1. Scleral buckle versus vitrectomy – Heinrich Heimann [09.15-09.25]
  2. Pneumatic Retinopexy versus Scleral Buckle versus Vitrectomy – Roxane Hillier [09.25-09.35]

09.35-09.45 Discussion

09.45-10.15 Management of Macular Hole

  1. Idiopathic Macular Hole – Kurt Spiteri-Cornish [09.45-09.55]
  2. Lamellar Macular Hole – David Steel [09.55-10.05]

10.05-10.15 Discussion

10.15-10.50 GUEST SPEAKER LECTURE: Prof John NorrieOvercoming the challenges of surgical trials with best design and conduct’ Introduced by N Lois [10.15-10.40]

10.40-10.50 Discussion

10.50–11.20 Tea/Coffee/Exhibition


Moderators: Daniela Vaideanu and Tim Jackson

11.20-11.40 Management of predisposing retinal lesions – Marie Hickey-Dwyer [11.20-11.30]

11.30-11.40 Discussion

11.40-12.00 Management of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment at risk of, or with established Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy – David Yorston [11.40-11.50]

11.50-12.00 Discussion

12.00-12.50 Rapid Fire Session (3’ surgical videos with 3’ discussion after each)

“A great surgical tip… which I learnt from…”

Moderators: Evgenia Anikina and Wing Chan

12.00-12.03- Roslyn Manrique-Lipa “Dealing with a large subretinal air bubble”

12.03-12.06- Discussion

12.06-12.09-  Edward Bloch “Plugging the gap: scleral autograft in optic disc pit maculopathy”

12.09-12.12- Discussion

12.12-12.15- Abdallah A Ellabban “Inner Retinal Fenestration: A Promising Technique for Treating Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy”

12.15-12.18- Discussion

12.18-12.21- Karina Spiess “The blue smoke signal”

12.21-12.24- Discussion

12.24-12.27- Kanmin Xue “Treating postoperative hypotony by ciliary body membrane removal”

12.27-12.30- Discussion

12.30-12.33- Konstantinos Stamoulas “Two step approach for early suprachoroidal haemorrhage drainage following complicated cataract surgery”

12.33-12.36- Discussion

12.36-12.39- Pallavi Tyagi  “Haptic positioning in scleral pockets in Carlevale lens: Troubleshooting tips”

12.39-12.42- Discussion

12.45-14.00 Lunch & Exhibition


14.25-14.35 Discussion

14.35-15.47  Rapid Fire Session (3’ surgical videos / 3’ case reports/case series; 3 minutes discussion after each) – “The anterior segment for the vitreoretinal surgeon…” and “sorting out retinal folds…”

Moderators: Vasuki Jothi and Gavin Orr

14.35-14.38- Max Davidson “Outcomes and risk factors for late intraocular lens dislocation”

14.38-14.41- Discussion

14.41-14.44- Rubina Rahman “Evaluation of surgical outcomes of scleral fixation with Carlevale Intraocular lens (IOL) in a real world district general hospital setting”

14.44-14.47- Discussion

14.47-14.50- Paul-Eduard Stanciu “Carlevale – safe and sound!”

14.50-14.53- Discussion

14.53-14.56- Anthony Shinton  “Sutureless intrascleral haptic fixated intraocular lenses: the Southampton experience”

14.56 -14.59- Discussion

15.00-15.03- Francesco Maria D’Alterio “Real-life outcomes of sutureless scleral-fixated intraocular lenses implantation using Yamane’s technique”

15.03-15.06- Discussion

15.06-15.09- Mohamed Elnaggar “Vitreo-Retinal (VR) Cataract Audit – Moorfields Eye Hospital (MEH) 2021”

15.09-15.12- Discussion

15.12-15.15- Christopher Holmes “Pupil Block Causing Angle Closure due to Migration of a Dislocated Posterior Chamber Intra-Ocular Lens Implant”

15.15-15.18- Discussion

15.18-15.21- Peng Yong Sim “Visual outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy for dropped nucleus after phacoemulsification”

15.21-15.24- Discussion

15.24-15.27- Huda Al-Hayouti “Use of adjunctive DALK in corneal opacity to allow retinal detachment repair”

15.27-15.30- Discussion

15.30-15.33- Katarzyna Chwiejczak “Management of a macular fold: effort worth taking. A case report”

15.33-15.36- Discussion

15.36-15.39- Jaidip Gill “Macular folds following retinal detachment surgery: Outcomes from cases managed conservatively and surgically”

15.39-15.42- Discussion

15.42-15.45- Abin Holla “Retinal Folds – Detach and Leave…Video Presentation”

15.45-15.48- Discussion

15.50-16.15 Tea/Coffee/Exhibition


16.15-17.30 Free Papers: Macular Hole/ERM/MISCELLANEOUS [5 minutes presentations with 3 minutes discussion]

Moderators: Shohista Saidkasimova and Murali Upendran

16.15-16.20- Matteo Mario Carlà “Treatment of recurrent high myopic macular hole and associated retinal detachment with human amniotic membrane”

16.20-16.23- Discussion

16.23-16.28- David Yorston “Does routine use of inverted ILM flap improve outcomes in large macular holes?”

16.28-16.31- Discussion

16.31-16.36- Iacopo Macchi  “Comparison of four surgical internal limiting membrane peel techniques for the management of large primary full thickness macular holes”

16.36-16.39- Discussion

16.39-16.44- Mohammed Elsayyed “Associations and Prognosis of Full-Thickness Macular Hole Associated with Epiretinal Proliferation”

16.44-16.47 Discussion

16.47-16.52- George Moussa “Prediction of macular hole size progression based on baseline Optical Coherence Tomography findings?”

16.52- 16.55- Discussion

16.55-17:00 Christopher Holmes “A Retrospective Cohort Study Assessing the use of Topical Ketorolac after Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Epiretinal Membrane Peel”

17:00-17:03 Discussion

17:03-17:08 Catarina Cunha Ferreira “Association between ectopic internal retinal layers and surgical outcomes in patients with idiopathic epiretinal membrane”

17:08-17:11 Discussion

17:11-17:16 Emma Linton “Optical Coherence Tomography Manual Measurements, are we doing it wrong? Calliper function between modern Spectral Domain Modalities”

17:16-17:19 Discussion

17:19-17:24 Mahmut Dogramaci “Comparative study of commonly intraocular forceps”

17:24-17:27 Discussion

17.30 Adjourn

19.00 Wine Reception and Dinner (Dinner will start at 20.00) at TITANIC, BELFAST. Dress Code: Black-tie/ Elegant


Friday 4th November

08.30 Tea/Coffee

09.00-09.30 BEAVRS AGM


Moderators: Rabia Bourkiza and Alistair Laidlaw

09.30-9.40 Pre-operative and intra-operative anti-VEGF therapy for diabetic vitrectomy – Jonathan Smith

09.40-09.50 Discussion

09.50-10.00 Phaco-vitrectomy for people with complications of diabetic retinopathy – Louisa Wickham

10.00-10.10 Discussion

10.10-10.45 Guest Speaker Lecture: Dr Maria H Berrocal “Surgical Management of Diabetic Retinopathy Complications” Introduced by N Lois [10.10-10.35]

10.35-10.45 Discussion

10.45-11.05   Rapid Fire Session (3’ surgical videos / 3’ case reports/case series; 3 minutes discussion after each) – DIABETIC RETINOPATHY

Moderators: Yianna Antoniou and Mandeep Bindra

10.45-10.48- Haifan Huang “Skin autofluorescence increase in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy requiring vitrectomy”

10.48-10.51- Discussion

10.51-10.54- Andrew Davies “Never the Twain Shall Meet”

10.54-10.57- Discussion

10.57-11.00- Matthew Maguire “Summary of early analysis from the Vitrectomy for Diabetic Macular Oedema (VIDEO) Trial”

11.00-11.03- Discussion

11:05-12:00 Free Papers: RETINAL DETACHMENT/TAMPONADE/MISCELLANEOUS [5 minutes presentations with 3 minutes discussion]

11.05-11.10- Boon Lin Teh “Outcome of North East England regional vitreoretinal weekend on-call service in managing acute rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD)”

11.10-11.13- Discussion

11.13-11.18- Theodor Stappler “Management of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with Coexisting Macular Hole”

11.18-11.21- Discussion

11.21-11.26- Julian Klaas “The Nomenclature and Assessment of Macula-Off Retinal Detachment Expert Survey (NAMES)”

11.26-11.29- Discussion

11.29-11.34- Irina-Elena Cristescu “Pseudophakic Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, does 360-laser barricade improve outcomes?”

11.34-11.37- Discussion

11.37-11.42- Jennifer Hind “Comparison of observed outcomes of primary retinal detachment surgery with a predictive model for probability of success”

11.42-11.45- Discussion

11.45-11.50-  Jonathan Smith “First year results from the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU) study on Silicone Oil related Visual Loss”

11.50-11.53- Discussion

11:53-11:58 Ruth Jones “Success rates of argon laser retinopexy in a tertiary Vitreoretinal centre”

11:58-12:01 Discussion

12:01-12:06 Asterios Diafas “Macular Displacement and Metamorphopsia Following Primary Retinal Detachment Repair: Pars Plana Vitrectomy vs Scleral Buckling”

12:06-12:09 Discussion

12.09-13.00 Lunch & Exhibition


13.00-13.30 Vitreoretinal fellow’s competition: Best Selected Videos (n=3)

Panel: Teresa Sandinha, Shohista Saidkasimova, Alistair Laidlaw, Stuart McGimpsey, Gerry McGowan

13.00-13.05- Youssef Helmy, Stoke- Mandeville ‘VR to the rescue’

13.05-13.08- Discussion

13.08-13.13- Mariantonia Ferrara, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital “Removal of IOFB with ocular siderosis

13.13-13.16- Discussion

13.16-13.21-Mariam El- Abiary, Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, Glasgow “Traumatic experience”

13.21-13.24- Discussion

Award given to the best video

13.30-14.30 Uveitis / Masquerading disorders / Endophthalmitis

Moderators: Rahila Zakir, Richard Haynes

13.30-13.40 Vitreoretinal management of patients with uveitis – Dara Kilmartin

13.40-13.50 Discussion

13.50-14.00 Vitreoretinal management of “masquerading” disorders – Rumana Hussain

14.00-14.10 Discussion

14.10-14.20 Vitreoretinal surgery for endophthalmitis – Mahi Muqit

14.20-14.30 Discussion


14.30-15.00 Rapid Fire Session (4’ surgical videos / 4’ case reports/4’ case series’ with 3 minutes discussion after each) – UVEITIS/MASQUERADE SYNDROMES/SYMPATHETIC OPHTHALMIA/ENDOPHTHALMITIS

Moderators: Teresa Sandinha and Stuart McGimpsey

14.30-14.34- Tim Patterson: “A systematic review of the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia associated with open globe injury management strategies”

14.34-14.37- Discussion

14.37-14.41- Ariel Yuhan Ong: “Microbiological sampling has limited value in managing acute postoperative endophthalmitis: a multicentre study”

14.41-14.44- Discussion

14.44-14.48- Joel Lee Zher Jong: “Surgical Outcomes of Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Intraocular Complications Related to Vasoproliferative Tumours of the Retina”

14.48-14.51- Discussion

14.51-14.55- Hamza Abdou: “When the mystery is only solved by a post-mortem autopsy”

14:55-14:58 Discussion

15.00-15.30 Tea/Coffee/Exhibition


15.30-16.30 Rapid Fire Session (3’ surgical videos / 3’ case reports/case series; 3 minutes discussion after each) – MISCELLANEOUS

Moderators: Sarit Lesnik-Oberstein and Sam Dowlut

15.30-15.33- Miranda Buckle “Multimodal characterisation of the infant response to retinopathy of prematurity screening and treatment”

15.33-15.36- Discussion

15.36-15.39- Obaid Kousha “Validity of a low-cost simulation eye for retinal laser training and assessment”

15.39-15.42- Discussion

15.42-15.45- Venughanan Manikavasagar “Comparing Vitreoretinal-related research output in the UK with other subspecialties”

15.45-15.48- Discussion

15.48-15.51- Brian O Tuama “Nd:YAG Posterior Hyaloidotomy – a non-surgical intervention for subhyaloid haemorrhage”

15.51-15.54- Discussion

15.54-15.57- Moulindu Paul “Assessing the Patient Satisfaction of Virtual Surgical Retina Clinics during COVID-19 Pandemic”

15.57-16.00- Discussion

16.00-16.03- Hadi Ziaei “Age and Gender Based Variations of Vitreoretinal Presentations to Hospital Emergency Eye Care Services”

16.03-16.06- Discussion

16.06-16.09- Aadil Hussain “A case of recurrent viral retinitis treated with intravitreal antiviral agents in a silicone oil filled eye”

16.09-16.12- Discussion

16.12-16.15- Ahmed Javed “Indications and outcomes of Encircling Scleral Buckle (ESB) removal in previously vitrectomised eyes”

16.15-16.18- Discussion

16.18-16.21- Amanda Ie “Retinal vasoproliferative tumours have varied clinical course requiring tailored management”

16.21-16.24- Discussion


16.30 END OF THE MEETING; Handover to 2023 BEAVRS Birmingham




John Norrie is a medical statistician and clinical trialist, dedicated to improving health through randomised trials. John has led academic Clinical Trials Units in Aberdeen and Edinburgh, having started his career in Glasgow, and is currently Professor of Medical Statistics and Trial Methodology at the University of Edinburgh. John is also the Chair of the MRC/NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Funding Board since 2019. John is involved in global health initiatives and chairs various national funding boards and provides independent oversight for landmark trials. John was elected Fellow Society for Clinical Trials (FSCT, 2015) and Faculty Public Health (FFPH, 2018), and the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE, 2022). John is fascinated by using randomised designs not just in medicine but in business, education, and justice, and is happiest when creating the best designs for randomised trials that should make a difference.



A psychologist by training, Nick is a Professor of Implementation Science and Patient Safety and Director of the Centre for Implementation Science at King’s College London, UK (2015-). Nick has held academic appointments in the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, UK (2004-15) and senior editorial roles in several peer-reviewed journals, including Frontiers in Health Services Research, where he is the Chief Editor of the Implementation Science Section (2021-)

Nick’s research is situated within the multidisciplinary space of implementation science, improvement science, and applied psychology. Nick’s research focuses on systematically analysing implementation gaps in the delivery of improvement interventions (including checklists, team skills development, and clinical pathway redesign) and public health interventions (including vaccination programmes) and developing practical methods to address them. Most recently Nick has been developing methodologies that support the design and delivery of implementation studies in the field of healthcare.

Nick’s research has been disseminated in over 400 publications and over 130 invited lectures worldwide and has won numerous awards. Nick has worked with the Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK), the Association for Surgical Education (USA), several UK NHS Trusts and other organisations, to advance safety in care delivery and develop capacity to undertake clinical quality improvement and implement evidenced interventions and programmes.



Dr. María H. Berrocal is CEO of Drs. Berrocal and Associates in San Juan, Puerto Rico and faculty at the University of Puerto Rico. She received her Medical Degree from the University of Illinois. She completed her ophthalmology training at the University of Puerto Rico where she received the best surgeon award. She completed her surgical and medical retina training at the department of Ophthalmology New York Hospital/Cornell University. She then completed a medical retina fellowship with Dr. J Donald Gass at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and was a Heed Fellow Awardee.

Her research interests include new techniques in vitreoretinal surgery, with a particular interest in complications of diabetic retinopathy. She has participated in numerous studies of novel treatments for the management of diabetic complications.

She has held leadership positions in and is a member of: Pan-American Vitreoretinal Society, Pan-American Ophthalmological Society, Retina Society, American Society of Retinal Specialists (ASRS), American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and Women in Ophthalmology (WIO). She is past president of the Pan-American Vitreoretinal Society. She is on the editorial board of Retina Today, Retina Physician, Egyptian Journal of Ophthalmology, and is a reviewer for Ophthalmology, OSLI, European Journal of Ophthalmology, Retina and AJO journals.

She has received the American Academy of Ophthalmology Senior Achievement Award, and American Society of Retinal Specialists Senior Honor Award. She has received the Doctors Choice Award yearly since 2002. Dr. Berrocal has been an invited speaker and visiting surgeon in over 20 countries. She has received the Stanley Chang Lectureship, the J Donald Gass Lectureship, the ARDS Founders Lectureship, Fundadores Lecture APRV, VBS Keynote Speaker, Bryan Liddy Lecture, Robison B Harley Lecture, and the Navas Lectureship. She has authored and co-authored over 160 articles and book chapters. Dr. Berrocal has held numerous positions in philanthropic societies. She has established educational scholarships for cancer survivors, scholarships for university students and has also helped establish a drug rehabilitation center in San Juan.
