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Aims & Constitution

British and Eire Association of Vitreo Retinal Surgeons (BEAVRS): Aims and Constitution of the Association.

The aim of the Association is to promote high quality patient care by supporting and representing British and Irish Vitreo-Retinal Surgeons through education, research, audit and revalidation.

BEAVRS is neither a regulatory body nor a trade union. BEAVRS will accrue sufficient financial assets to entirely underwrite an annual meeting and fund the educational, research, revalidation and audit activities of the association.

A board elected from the membership will represent the members in achieving these aims.

With the exception of the President board members are elected to two years terms and, through re-election, may be appointed to no more than four consecutive years of board membership. The President is elected to a single two year term regardless of previous board status. The lead organisers of the next two annual meetings and the immediate past organiser are unelected board members.

Annual Meeting

In keeping with the traditions of the association the annual meeting will continue to be organised by a local host unit with the tone of the meeting being determined by the hosts.  The establishment of a permanent secretariat will provide support and experience in the task of organising the meeting.


Full membership is only open to career grade ophthalmologists who perform Vitreo Retinal surgery and who work in the United Kingdom or Eire, or who have undertaken a UK or Eire VR Fellowship.  Such career grade Vitreo Retinal Surgeons are required to be members of the association if they wish to attend the annual meeting.  Only full members may be elected to the board, nominate for board positions and/or vote at the AGM.

The membership fee is separate to the meeting fee.

BEAVRS Election: Rules and Procedures

Only full members may stand, propose, second and/or vote in the election of board members.

All candidates must be proposed and seconded.  An individual member may only propose and/or second a total of two candidates.  An individual member may only stand for one position.  In the event of a member being nominated for more than one position they must select the position that they prefer.

Members may propose their own candidacy but must subsequently be seconded.

Candidates will be invited to submit a manifesto or statement of up to 500 words in support of their own candidature.  When seeking re election the original manifesto will be redistributed along with a short statement of what they have achieved and what they intend to achieve in a second term.   The position of President is largely honorary.

Election will be by a secret ballot held at the meeting, with the polling station situated at the registration desk.  Ballot papers will be distributed at registration.  Polling will close fifteen minutes after the end of the final session on the first day of the meeting. Members unable to attend who wish to vote may register prior to the meeting to vote by post or email . The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for each post will be elected.

  • Steve Winder President
  • Roxane Hillier Honorary Secretary
  • Jonathan Smith Treasurer
  • Assad Jalil Professional Standards
  • Aman Chandra Membership & Communications Secretary
  • Rumana Hussein Research Lead
  • Mark Costen Education Lead
  • Dara Kilmartin International Liaison Lead
  • Steve Charles Past President
  • CK Patel 2025 Meeting Organiser
  • Mark Costen 2024 Meeting Organiser