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Research & Evidence

We aim to provide BEAVRS members with the best evidence in various VR topics to maintain knowledge in the vitreo-retinal field. By preparing a list of studies we hope to facilitate access to the best systematic reviews of interventions and clinical trials. A “quick glance” at some of these studies will be also provided in the section of infographics.

BEAVRS also wants to promote the dissemination of published work by ALL BEAVRS members; everyone will have an opportunity to add their work (See BEAVRS Members Publications).

The forum aims to facilitate the discussion between consultants and fellows/senior trainees (TSC) to share ideas, collaborate in clinical trials then feed to BEAVRS. It will also be an opportunity for juniors researchers, where they can connect with other researchers.

Patients VR group for research
Why is it important?

In the context of VR there is new understanding that researchers gain insight through direct experience of working with patients/the public. At the beginning of any research project, the researchers ‘don’t know what they don’t know’ until they involve patients/the public.

This means that the impact of involvement within any particular project is somewhat unpredictable. In order to facilitate research projects BEAVRS aims to set up a national patients’ group.

More Information

VR groupLetter Recruitment for all trusts


The Board has set up 3 requirements for surveys to be distributed as below;

1. Supervising consultant who should be
a current paid Beavrs member

2. The aim of the survey and what the authors
intend to do with the results

3. To be presented in an easy format like
survey monkey so easy to complete.

Do you have a research idea?
Need feed back from beavrs members?

Submit your survey here
