BEAVRS Programme 2020

There will be 4x hour long sessions:


9.00 – 10.00 | Welcome and Free papers

Chaired Steve Charles, Roxane Hillier

Panel: Tom Williamson, Steve Winder, Jim Bainbridge, Noemi Lois

15 Papers will be uploaded and visible from one week prior to the meeting. Presenter will give a one minute summary of their paper on the day, leaving plenty of time for discussion. Holding slide between each talk.

9.00 Welcome

9.03 Mariam El-Abiary, Glasgow;
The Rising Incidence of Retinal Detachments (RD) in Scotland

9.05 James Neffendorf, St Thomas’:
What are the risk factors for developing bilateral rhegmatogenous retinal detachment? A study of 3,020 patients

9.07 Mariantonia Ferrara, Newcastle:
Phenotype and outcomes of phakic versus pseudophakic primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachments: cataract or cataract surgery related?

9.09 Sufiyan Shaikh, Newcastle:
Retinal Displacement following Pneumatic Retinopexy vs Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (ALIGN STUDY)

9.11 George Moussa, Birmingham:
Effect of supervision and out-of-hours operating of primary macular on retinal detachment repair by vitreoretinal fellows: A review of 576 surgeries

9.13 Discussion

9.20 Jonathan Bonnar, Belfast :
Scleral buckling (SB) versus pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) versus combined SB-PPV for the repair of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments (RRD) with Inferior Retinal Breaks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of outcomes and complications

9.22 Fong May Chew, Sussex:
The Role of 8% C2F6 as an alternative gas tamponade to SF6 in vitreoretinal surgery to reduce environmental impact of healthcare services

9.24 Namita Mathews, Coventry:
Vitrectomy with Air-Tamponade and Cryotherapy for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair without Perflourocarbon use compared with gas tamponade: A UK 12-month prospective consecutive case series and Literature Review

9.26 Dimitrios Tsouris, Wolverhampton:
Aphakia restoration using the Carlevale intraocular lens

9.28 Varo Kirthi, Kings College, London:
Litigation in vitreoretinal surgery: an analysis of 127 clinical negligence cases against the NHS


9.40 Grace Chew, Manchester:
A stepwise management of submacular haemorrhage: the Manchester protocol

9.42 Hetvi Bhatt, Wolverhampton:
Outcomes and ultrastructural changes of patients treated with intravitreal injection of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and C3F8

9.44 Edward Bloch, London:
Factors associated with development of foveal detachment in myopic foveoschisis

9.46 Rubina Rahman, Halifax:
Inverted internal limiting membrane (ILM) flap versus complete ILM peeling for large Macular holes

9.48 Harry O. Orlans, St Thomas’:
Safety of intracameral cefuroxime in pars plana vitrectomy


20 minute break- Industry Videos
10.20 – 11.20 | COVID session

Chaired Louisa Wickham, Richard Haynes

Panel: Al Laidlaw, Aman Chandra, David Yorston, Dr David Baxter

Free papers relating to COVID including changes in RD referrals during COVID surge, risks of surgery/mitigation, changes in practice

10.22 Haseeb Akram, Essex:
  Emergency Retinal Detachment Surgery During Covid-19 Pandemic: A National Survey and Local Review

10.24 Piergiacomo Grassi, Sheffield:
  The effect of COVID-19 on the vitreoretinal surgery and service of a tertiary referral

10.26 Kirti Jasani, Manchester:
  Incidence of Rhegmatogeneous Retinal Detachments During the COVID19

10.27 Yijun Cai, Kings London:
  Retrospective study on the effect of the Covid-19 lockdown on Vitreoretinal (VR) presentations to the
  Eye Casualty Clinic at Queen Mary’s Hospital Sidcup

10.29 Discussion

10.35 Mahmut Dogramaci, Harlow:
  Aerosol levels during vitreoretinal surgery and the role of secondary protective drapes

10.37 Timothy Fung, Derby:
  Quantification of aerosol production during phacoemulsification and pars plana vitrectomy

10.39 Mali Okada, Melbourne, Australia:
  Vitrectomy as an Aerosol generating Procedure in the time of COVID-19: The VAPOR Study

10.41 Kirti Jasani, Manchester:
 Implementation of a vitreoretinal virtual clinic (VRVC) in a tertiary eye care centre


10.55 | Update on COVID vaccines

Dr David Baxter, Public Health Consultant, Stockport

20 minute break- Industry Video

11.40 – 12.40 | Fellows’ Video competition.

Chaired Shohista Saidkasiimova, Tsveta Ivanova

Panel: Richard Haynes, David Yorston, Niall Patton, Tim Jackson, Al Laidlaw

5 video presentations from VR fellows

11.45 Ben Clark, Southampton:
  ARN Retinal Detachment! A VR Fellow’s Nightmare

11.53 Fatemeh Shams, Glasgow:
  Retinal Shortening: Real or no deal?

12.01 Grace Chew, Manchester:
  Delving deep for uveal effusion

12.09 Jared Ching, Norwich:
  Exploration of suprachoroidal space

12.17 Conor Ramsden, London:
  Third time’s a charm; sticky silicone oil solution.

12.25 Tim Jackson:
  presents update on TIGER study

12.33 Mahi Muqit:
  Introduction to EVIAN Study(Early Vitrectomy and Intravitreal Antibiotics for post-operative exogenous
  Endophthalmitis: a feasibility multicentre randomised controlled trial)

12.35 Winners presentation fellow video competition

12.40pm 40 minute lunch – INDUSTRY VIDEOS


1.20pm | BEAVRS AGM (20 minutes)


1.40pm – 3.00pm | Final Session: Consultant presentations

Chaired: David Steel, Tom Williamson

Presentations Challenging diagnosis and management:

1.40pm Rumana Hussein:
Just a haemorrhage….

1.50pm Gerry McGowan:
When to pull the trigger

2.00pm Aman Chandra:
An Oily belt and a baby

2.10pm Assad Jalil:
Tales of a deep pit


How I do it (now)

2.20pm Steve Lash:
Scleral haptic fixation IOL

2.30pm Louisa Wickham:
Goretex sutured IOLs

2.40pm Ed Hughes & Richard Haynes:
Carlevale scleral fixation IOLs

2.50pm David Steel:
Z-sutures/ Epilogue
3.00pm Meeting closes


This meeting will count for 4 points of CPD from RCOphth

BEAVRS are very grateful to support from our sponsors: DORC, Oculus, Optos, Alcon, Beaver Visitec, Bausch & Lomb, Haag Streit & John Weiss & Son, MIISS Ophthalmic
