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VR fellowships curriculum

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  • #3296

    Dear all,
    RCOphth reorganising the syllabus into 4 levels – 4th being the VR fellow/consultant level snd 3- general ophthalmologist and asked beavrs for feedback. We would be interested to get the views of those of you with established fellow programs how that would work and what you would do.
    We would be grateful if you have a formal curriculum set in your unit and will be willing to share it with the board?
    Many thanks



      Rumana Hussain

        Hi shohista
        I have actually been thinking about this for some time for multiple reasons, from both a trainee and trainers perspective.
        I think it would be useful to have goals fellows can work towards over the course of their training. We have not established anything like that in Liverpool yet. It is difficult with such a variability of trainees. You want to be goal directed but supportive with those slower to pick up not feeling demoralised.
        Happy to provide feedback to anything you produce.

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