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Dara Kilmartin – Consultant Ophtahamologist at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dara Kilmartin studied as an undergraduate at University College Dublin (MB BCh 1991) and completed internship at Boston Medical Center, US and St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin. He obtained first class honours in a Masters degree in Physiology on eye movement research (MSc 1993) and underwent basic and higher surgical training in Ophthalmology (FRCSI Ophthalmol 1995, FRCOphth 1995, FEBO 1996) in both the Irish and Scottish schemes at the Mater Hospital, Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital, St Vincent’s University Hospital and Grampian University Hospitals, Aberdeen.
After obtaining a Vision Research Training Fellowship by the Wellcome Trust, UK, his first subspecialty fellowship in Uveitis and Medical Retina (1998-2000) under the supervision of Prof John Forrester and Prof Andrew Dick, University of Aberdeen was spent on clinical and basic science research on Sympathetic Ophthalmia, an archetypical example of eye autoimmune disease.
He was also a Co-Investigator in the pivotal early TAP and VIP trials of photodynamic therapy for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Further subspecialty fellowship training was in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery with Prof Ian McAllister and Prof Ian Constable, Royal Perth Hospital/ Lions Eye Institute, Australia (2000-2002). He was awarded CCT, UK in 2001. He was appointed as a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon (2002)/ Clinical Associate Professor, UCD (2018) at the Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital and Beacon Hospital (2006), Dublin. He is the author of over 50 high impact peer reviewed scientific publications (h-index 30) and three book chapters and has trained over a dozen international vitreoretinal fellows. He maintains strong research interests in the role of vitreoretinal surgery in uveitis management. He is an active volunteer medical faculty member of ORBIS, with past projects in Bangladesh, India and Cameroon.